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Oneness No Matter What

What if you find yourself estranged from a close family member and it’s not your choice?

This is a person who you have always loved no matter what, but there is now zero communication. There can be no verbal exchange to resolve the challenge, the person will not take your calls or emails and maybe you are even blocked on Facebook.

It is clear that this beloved one is experiencing rage, feelings of betrayal, condemnation, judgment or even substance abuse. Can communication still take place in a different way, a more evolved way?

In Science of Mind and Spirit, we teach the central idea of oneness and that idea applies in all things, seen and unseen, so it would then apply in a situation of estrangement or another person’s isolation from you.

I have had this particular situation twice in my life and instead of meeting this challenge with equal, angry energy, I have chosen to try to understand the other’s perspective and choose forgiveness. Forgiveness for self, forgiveness for the anger or attack by the other person, and forgiveness for all that occurred as a result of confrontation.

In any relationship, the people involved hold their own interpretation or story of what really happened. Sometimes the energy created in personal expression does not allow for an immediate resolution but instead isolation from the other person and holding on to anger as an expression of their hurt, fear, or frustration.

This response is often the “I am right” approach, and it can potentially go on for months or even years.

Many years ago, I experienced this with my brother after our mother died. He was angry with me for being the executor of her estate and for beginning to clear out her house. He stormed away, angry, without a backward glance and would have no communication with me at all.

I was new to Science of Mind and Spirit, but I decided to create my own forgiveness ritual. Every morning as I did my meditation time, I would hold him in love light surrounding his entire body. I would just sit with this visual and feel my heart fill up with the same vibration of love—oneness on a soul level.

Evolved communication on a soul level.

It took several years to manifest, yes, years, but one year on my birthday, I answered the phone and I heard his familiar Elvis voice singing, “Happy Birthday to you!” My brother was back in my life. No rehashing, no apologies, just presence in my life and moving forward.

Now, we speak by phone every week and I know it will continue.

For me, this is an evolved way to communicate because it is invisible and the other person is not consciously aware that it is taking place. But to me, the soul is aware.

God is fully present. Oneness no matter what.

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